Shoubu Shiro Suita
Shoubu Shiro Suita
Size (mm) / Weight
205x83x25 / 924g
Hardness / Fineness: 3+ / 4
This stone is firm without being un-friendly and an ideal fineness for polishing and sharpening of kitchen knives. It would be a functional pre-finisher for tools or razors as well. Under pressure it will work up some mud but under moderate pressure it will slowly develop a slurry that is a balanced mix of metal shavings and stone matrix. An un-fussy workhorse suita.
Aesthetics & Other Notes
This suita has a pale cream colored base, a smattering of red renge, and many benign golden lines.
Shoubu (菖蒲谷, Shoubudani, 菖蒲谷)
An Eastern mine well regarded for its suita. While this mine may not have the same caché as Ohira or Nakayama in the West, stones from this mine are generally very high quality. Wholesales prices for Shoubu suita are some of the fastest increasing of all stones.