Antique Okudo Suita
Antique Okudo Suita
Size (mm)
Hardness / Fineness: 4 / 5-
This stone is surprisingly supple for how fine it is. It cuts all manner of steels extremely quickly and is a very suitable finisher for kitchen knives or pre-finisher for tools. None of the lines hit during sharpening or polishing, but there is some su that could be easily dug out, but it doesn't cause issues at this time. Edges from this stone finish roughly at 8k equivalent.
Aesthetics & Other Notes
A beautiful yellow, cream & white suita from Okduo that is riddled with aka renge. This stone shows evidence of hand-sawing on the ends, meaning it was mined and cut sometime before the 1930s.
Okudo (奥殿)
An Eastern mine famous for its suita. These stones are often given the moniker “King of Suita” and are, perhaps, the most in coveted suita. They are generally very hard, quite fine, and rather fast. Authentic stones from Okudo are typically very expensive and rarely available.