Ohira Suita
Ohira Suita
Size (mm) / Weight
219x80x65 / 2,936g
Hardness / Fineness: 4 / 4+
The stone is firm, but smooth and abrades quickly for its fineness. It engages well with both hardened steel and soft cladding for polishing purposes. The kasumi finish is well balanced between detail and contrast with no visible scratch pattern on a properly prepared surface. Edges are finished in the 8k range. This is suitable as a final sharpening or polishing stone for knives and as a pre-finisher for razors and tools. What the stone lacks in flashy patterning it more than makes up for in performance.
Aesthetics & Other Notes
This suita shows pale blue and brown coloring throughout. The line on the surface is benign and can't be felt during use. The stone is extremely consistent top to bottom.
The stone is sealed in clear lacquer.
Ohira (大平, Oohira, Ohirayama)
A Western mine famous for Uchigumori and the quality of its suita. Although the mine is still occasionally worked, it is increasingly challenging to find uchigumori and Ohira suita available for export. Reportedly, many togishi are worried about the long term supply of quality uchigumori stones.